Recording: Proactive Pooled CSMs (CS Ops Meetup Presentation)

  • 1 March 2022
  • 8 replies

Userlevel 7
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  • Gainsight Employee: ACE
  • 550 replies

In our monthly meetup group about the CS Ops of Digital-Led Customer Success, we spoke in February 2022 about pooled CSMs being proactive instead of only being able to react to incoming customer questions. Brian LaFaille of Google kicked us off with a presentation and Q&A session.

Here is the slide deck. Brian mentioned additional slides about how to actually execute the transition to a pooled CS model, which you can see here.

Plus, participants shared some of their takeaways from their breakout room conversations:

  • Working with customer data, and having reliable data, getting it right is often difficult
  • We discussed leveraging a ticketing system (similar to support) to help with client experience in a pooled CSM model.
  • Where some have the intention of getting off the phone and solving issues as quickly as possible, others are using the time on the phone for land and expand opportunities.
  • A question to guide your efforts: is this scalable?
  • Internal alignment
  • Having a support team and resources to help give the customer valuable resources
  • Defining the accelerators
  • For measuring success when you don’t have a named CSM: sending surveys
  • Modeling what leads to retention/growth, vs chasing churn after the fact
  • Everyone likes cocktails by the pool!

8 replies

Userlevel 7
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This was a great session! Thanks for hosting such valuable content @seth !!

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I’m seeing an error when I try to access this content. Has it been moved?

Userlevel 7
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@camber I fixed the links! Sorry about that, and thanks for calling it out. 

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Thanks @seth!  

@seth I’m still having issues with the links.  

Userlevel 7
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@jbritt They’re all working for me 🤔 Which one(s) are giving you trouble?

Maybe you need to do a hard refresh of the page? You can find them all here, too:

Userlevel 3
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@seth Can I get a link to this session that doesn’t point to a google drive?  Due to security settings, I am unable to open Google links.



Userlevel 7
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@rho_ran_experian Thank you for asking! And yes, excellent guess. I feel for you that you have to deal with that roadblock -- it must trip you up all the time.

I’ve replaced the video link with an embedded YouTube video, and added the slides as an attachment (since those are a link to Google Drive, also). Enjoy!
