Change "Unsubscribe" to "Manage preference" to allow users to customize their preference.

Related products: CC Email Campaigns

In emails sent to users, we can make the ending phrase more friendly. Instead of saying “Unsubscribe from community email campaigns,” we can change it to “Manage preferences.”

This will let users keep getting emails, but only the ones they want. For instance, if a user only cares about new releases and artists, they'll still get emails about those, but not about things like product updates. This way, instead of losing contact with the user entirely, we'll still be able to reach out to them, but only about stuff they're interested in.

Exemple found in the web:


Hi! For Email Campaigns, hitting unsubscribe will only unsubscribe the user from email campaigns, not from other subscription emails like product updates. If you’d still like to update the copy in Email Campaigns, you can go to Email Campaigns > Customize Theme to change the copy to Manage your preferences. However, I’d advise against that since there’s laws and regulations that require you to make it clear and simple for users to unsubscribe.

New IdeaClosed (Won't Do)