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Improve parity between Report Builder and Scorecard Widgets

Related products: CS Reports & Dashboards

There are slight differences between Report Builder UX and Scorecard Widget UX. Improving the parity between these two seemingly identical features will help admins.

  • Report renaming (can rename report in Report Builder when editing/building the report, cannot do this in Scorecard Widgets)
  • Click & drag fields to Filter
  • Double-click a field to bring it over to Show Me
  • Ranking & Sorting options (for example, if I want to create a Mass Edit report for Top 10 Accounts by ARR...)

Adding another to this list: reordering columns (end user) are not sticky in Scorecard widgets. Super annoying.

Can we also make with available everywhere reports are too?


Prior tot he division we used to be able to add Mass edit reports to 360s. This gave us the ability to show a roll up of relationship scorecards to the CMS instead of digging into X number of R360s.


Additional use case, for companies that have hierarchies and only manage at the top level. This gives them the ability to score at the lower levels and display them all at the top level saving time to dig down into hierarchies.

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Adding the below post to this: 

Noted . Thanks @kstim 

Came across two of these points again today and had to reset expectations with our stakeholders. 

Would also like to be able to add scorecard widgets to email templates!


Fantastic idea, @Elana Cipin! I can absolutely see a use case for scorecard widgets in our internal JOs, even if it’s just because the size would fit better in a multi-column email!

Adding another to this list: reordering columns (end user) are not sticky in Scorecard widgets. Super annoying.

1000% this would be huge!

It actually drives me out of the product, into my own spreadsheets that I make with all the same info, just so I can have the columns the way I need to see them to work efficiently.

Hello everyone, I would like to share an update that we are working on the following parity gaps and you will see them addressed with our Q3 release . We will be picking up the remaining parity gaps thereafter. 

  1. Report renaming within the create/ edit report experience
  2. Drag and drop fields to add to Filter Fields section 
  3. Double-click on fields to add to Show Me section
  4. In line filter for picklist fields like Status, Company version etc 
  5. Re-ordering of columns to be retained (made sticky) in Scorecard widgets.


@ChiragJ hopefully other report settings will make it to the list as well, like “Enable Named Fields Addition” :)