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Limit Timeline options within each feature/function

Related products: CS Timeline

Users are getting confused with all the various areas they can log Timeline entries.

Admins should be able to limit the Timeline types by functional area, so that only the types that are applicable to the particular function are selectable.

For example, if I have a manual Scorecard measure, I only really don’t need all my Timeline activity types to be available there - I only need one: Update.

Also, for a specific CTA type, I may want only a specific Timeline type to be selected.

Make it easier for admins to make it easier for end users to know when/where to log a specific Timeline activity type.


Bumping this up. 

Introducing a new Timeline type that we only want to have used via CTA measure, but CSMs keep getting confused where to log what when they see all Timeline types available across every feature, CTA TImeline, Success Plan Timeline, etc.

Help make it easier for CSMs ( @pgeorge ) to know where to log what by giving admins ability to select which functional area of Gainsight a Timeline type should be visible. Similar to how we can do this with Email Templates. 



Timeline mockup


This would be super handy to have. Timeline types are also often a catch all and you can end up with a ton of types and it can get very confusing what you’re supposed to do where. Users already get a bit confused that it actually does matter where you enter the timeline entry and just “going to timeline” to do something isn’t good enough. If you only had certain types available in certain areas, this would help show differentiation and could drive user behavior.

Would love this. Would also help pare down the number of choices and improve data accuracy because users would be guided to track things based on how they are being reported on. 

Adding in my 2 cents. This would be very helpful to have to make it easier for the users, but also improve data accuracy as others have mentioned. We have a couple of types that should only be used in certain areas like Success Plans or specific CTA types. We’ll try and emphasize that with the name, but people still mistakenly use it in the wrong place or use another one when they should be using the special activity type. 

We have a couple of types that should only be used in certain areas like Success Plans or specific CTA types. We’ll try and emphasize that with the name, but people still mistakenly use it in the wrong place or use another one when they should be using the special activity type. 


👆 Yet another case where the name is used to help organize something (and it shouldn’t have to be). Allowing these to only be used in certain areas would make it so these names could be more concise.

The mock-up in the first reply is spot on - the system you guys introduced with email templates is great! Use that elsewhere for a quick win.

This is great!!! 
Imagine this combined with user restriction. Eg, we have a custom attribute that was implemented mainly to simplify sharing groups maintenance: CSMs do not need access to the same set of dashboards than their Managers or Team Leads, or Sales. That same principle applies to timeline entries.


+1 - much needed! 

@jake_ellis who is the Timeline PM and how can we get this on their radar? Thx!

Thanks @jake_ellis  for bringing this to my attention. I would like to share that while we understand the ask , this is not something on our current roadmap until Q4 and we will assess this for prioritization and share an update once its planned. 

New IdeaDiscovery