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Percentage of click rate and open rate of the email delivered through Program.

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I have a requirement where in I need to show the percentages of emails clicks and open rate of emails delivered through a program (AO Analytics object) and this is useful when representing them in Dashboard as the percentages speaks more than numbers.

Even though we show them under Program analytics tab, but needs to report using report builder.

Could you please advise.

Would this be possible with formulas in Report Builder releasing this month?

To add more context, the customer is creating dashboards to present campaign results to csm, sellers, management... using various AO tables. Percentages are often more meaningful than total number of emails to present such information. She wants to produce a report that shows a percentage of emails opened for instance.

When looking at the AO dataspaces available for reporting. There is no numeric field she can use in the AO Emails table so all she can do is count instances (total or unique).

AO Analytics dataspace has numerics but for some unknown reason the Open Rate field is not populated! This has now been recognized as a bug on which we are working on.

Other numeric fields such as total opens, total participants do exist, but Report has no calculation capability to come up with a percentage.

The idea of this enhancement request is to help prioritize the fixing of the Open Rate field not getting populated and to improve Report to be able to produce a single percentage metric that we can then use to present in a widget in a Dashboard.

Ideally that would be what she would like.

After working with Support, I've learned that formula fields do not currently work with Email Logs, Email Raw Events and Unsubscribed Emails even though they are MDA objects...

Hopefully this functionality will be rolled out in a future release?

@All, chaning this to an idea post and redirecting to our product team.

Thanks for posting!

Or just providing standard email rates as percentages out of the box, without requiring the use of formula fields would be even better.

@manu_mittal - wanted to put this one on your radar. Any thoughts you can share?

Is there any update on this request? How can we build a report with percentage value rather than numbers?

Has anyone figured out how to create a report that will display engagement rates yet, even if it’s with bionic?

Is there any update on this request? How can we build a report with percentage value rather than numbers? The rate is available, but it’s a number and could easily be moved into a percentage field, but I am unable to add a field on the AO analytic object. 

We definitely need formula fields added to email logs and email raw events to replicate the sent/opened/clicked rate from Journey Analytics or program analytics,  and bring them to a dashboard. Counts are not meaningful enough when reporting to management.

Maybe have an option to add these widgets to dashboards? 

@Azad , @PavanCh anything in this regard?