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How to Report and Resolve Content - A Short Guide

How to Report and Resolve Content - A Short Guide

The new reported content feature is out, time for a short guide-through this feature that allows end-users to report content, and includes a new moderation overview in Control with a more robust moderation flow of the reported content submitted by community users.  Let’s dive into it!


How do End-Users Report Content?


In destination, end-users can report replies or topics on questions and conversations (as it was possible before when users flagged content).

End users can now also report ideas and replies on ideas and product updates to moderators. 


End-users should specify the reason why they are reporting the content, otherwise they won’t be able to report the topic or the reply to moderators. Multiple end-users can report the same topic, and the same end-user can report multiple times.


Once end-users click on Report, moderators will receive a moderation email notification that a reply or a topic has been reported. 



How do Moderators Resolve Content?


Moderators can see all reported content on the new Reported Content Overview Page in control, as shown below. From there, they can either resolve content from the overview page (Option 1) or from the Topic Moderation Page (Option 2) for a more robust moderation since this option will send a private message to all reporters that reported a specific topic or reply. 



Option 1: Resolve From the Reported Content Overview Page

From there, moderators can now bulk-resolve reported content from the overview when they assess multiple topics that do not need individual moderation.

There is also a corresponding public API endpoint to enable additional workflows, but please note that the API call does not send out private messages to reporters. 


Bulk resolve reported content


Option 2: Resolve From the Topic Moderation Page 

From there, moderators can decide to moderate a specific topic or reply by clicking on it. A “Reported” pill will display on the topic or reply being moderated. 

All reasons will be shown to moderators. We will always show the first three reasons, if there are more, moderators can expand the UI to see all reasons. 




Moderators will resolve reports by clicking on the “Resolve” button. This action will open a modal with a pre-filled message. This message will be sent as a Private Message to reporters. 


Reporters will thus receive a new Private Message, as such:



Et voila! We’ve just shown you how users can leverage their power to keep a professional and accurate content in the community, and how moderators can moderate it in a more robust and clean way. 


⭐️ As always, we would love to hear your thoughts and feedback in the comments! ⭐️

10 replies

Userlevel 6
Badge +7

This feature is definitely an improvement on the previous flagging feature! 

Are there phrases or hidden phrases we can use to update any of the following?

  • The green success message bar that shows when users successfully report content
    • With the phrasing tool enabled, I had the option to do this, but it disappeared once the success message timed out
  • The default message populated in the private message when reported topics are resolved
Userlevel 1

Are there phrases or hidden phrases we can use to update any of the following?

  • The green success message bar that shows when users successfully report content

Category: Forum - Phrase: topic_view.reported_content.success 👍

Userlevel 2
  • The default message populated in the private message when reported topics are resolved

I would like to know this too. It's quite useless for us cause English is not our primaire language.

Userlevel 1

I notice that it’s not possible to avoid sending a private message to the reporter. It might make sense to make that opt-in…?


For some reported topics that are clearly spam, no one wants to bother with sending or receiving a private message about it, and it’s a waste of carbon if that prompts an email notification. 

Userlevel 2

I notice that it’s not possible to avoid sending a private message to the reporter. It might make sense to make that opt-in…?


For some reported topics that are clearly spam, no one wants to bother with sending or receiving a private message about it, and it’s a waste of carbon if that prompts an email notification. 

When you resolve on the overview page I don't think a PM is sent, right?

overview page


Userlevel 1

ooooo interesting, thanks @Paul_!

Userlevel 2

I think this is great but is it possible to have the number count like Spam has? It’s very valuable to be able to look quickly and not have to go into Pending and Reported to see if there are any.



Userlevel 3

I think this is great but is it possible to have the number count like Spam has? It’s very valuable to be able to look quickly and not have to go into Pending and Reported to see if there are any.



Hey @Chris Hackett, thanks for noticing this! This is something that is currently planned to be implemented.

You can see more info and give feedback about this here:


Userlevel 3

Would it be possible to make the “resolved” private message optional

Our superusers are getting a little annoyed. :) 

Userlevel 2

Would it be possible to make the “resolved” private message optional

Our superusers are getting a little annoyed. :) 

When SU's report stuff we resolve from the overview (option 1). Then they won't get a PM.

But making it optional would be an upgrade for sure.
