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Hi all,


Using maskUrlFunction: function (urlPayload) … we can mask the url with some specific logic and it is well documented here


In a similar fashion, is it possible to mask an attribute element that is passed to Gainsight?


ex: When a user presses a link, gainsight receieves this in the element tree


“elementTree” : e     


      "tagName": "A",
      "attributes": {
        "class": "someClass”
        "href": "/user/somePrivateIdThatShouldBeMasked”
        "data-gainsight": "someUniqueGainsightId"




In this case somePrivateIdThatShouldBeMasked” is exposed which is something we don’t want. In this case is it posisble to mask “somePrivateIdThatShouldBeMasked”? Or don’t pass the “href” attribute at all?


Is there any good exmaple or documentation? Thanks!

Ah, I see I misunderstoof what maskUrlFunction does. It looks like I can use maskUrlFunction to mask the attribute urls within as well. I thought it was for the url of the page you are on. Please consider this topic closed unless there are other discussions 
