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Prevent clearing browser cookies from resetting engagement interval rules

  • 13 October 2022
  • 5 replies

We have customers complaining that when they clear cookies, engagements start showing up again. Is that true for others? Is it possible to retain a “sticky” condition (e.g., user has completed or tried a guide or slider) AFTER cookies are cleared? 

FYI: These customers who are complaining are government contractors and they are required to have their browsers clear cookies upon quitting the browser.

Hi @Rolland Vandersluis ,

This should never happen unless the engagement is configured as Once per Visit.

Only Once - If the user is qualified once and viewed the engagement, they should not see the same engagement even they are qualified as per audience logic.

Intervals: This will allow the engagement to show for the qualified audience based on the scheduled intervals.


Once per visit: If this has been configured, engagement will be shown to the qualified audience on every visit ( when every new session id is generated). In your case, please check if this is configured, a new session can be generated upon clearing the cookies We recommend this for mostly used for 'continuous critical announcements' or testing purposes. which can be combined with the end date in the scheduler.


Every time paywall: The engagement will be triggered on every click event and should be used only for gating users when a trial is over or for upgrade.



Engagement Qualification Scope

If this is further causing issue, please feel free to reach us on We have a awesome support team who could assist you towards resolution.



Dileep Nalla

So, if I have the engagement set to show one time only, Gainsight will use the engagement history for the user to determine whether to show? And clearing cookies won’t have the engagement show again? 

@mmarques yes.

But… My company uses the Intervals option because we are onboarding new users and users who are transferring from our other web portal -- so we want to give them multiple opportunities to see our main Welcome slider. Here is our setting:


The problem is that when our customers complete the slider engagement and then clear browser cookies, they are presented with the slider engagement again (much to their chagrin). This is true for all browsers I tested (Chrome, Edge, and Safari); however, clearing the cookies in Firefox doesn’t have this problem.

Hi @Rolland Vandersluis 


Can you please raise a request to providing few detailed examples related to the issue. Support team will be debugging and will let you know the root cause of the issue.



Dileep Nalla

