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Tip of the Week: Fun with Flags...

  • 7 May 2020
  • 1 reply

I meant … Fun with Fields, so sorry Sheldon and Amy!!!! 


As many of you already know, you can include merge fields (aka “tokens”) from your PX User and Account attributes within your PX Engagements.  Including these merge fields is a great way to customize your in-app and email messaging to your users and to also create a better, more personalized user experience.


However, many may not know that you can ALSO use these merge fields within button links inside your PX Engagements, including within your PX Emails Engagements.  This is a great way to pass your PX user/account context to the destination website or application so that, once again, the user experience can be personalized there.


Below is a sample PX Dialog Engagement that I have created to illustrate including PX User and Account attributes within a PX Engagement.  I have also include a couple of these merge fields as parameters in the button link URL, but you will need to copy/paste these as there is not currently a field picker available here.



Here is what it looks like when the PX Dialog is displayed in-app:



And, when one clicks the “Click Me” button, here is the URL that is launched that includes the custom PX merge field parameters:



Pretty cool, huh?  The possibilities are many, but do post any of your feedback, experiences, and best practices with this feature.


Stay safe/healthy and happy PX-ing!



