
Moderator primary role permissions have been reduced

Related products: CC Users & Roles

  • Update Thu 11 July: I've updated this article to reflect the fact that all moderator permissions we intended to remove have now been removed.

  • Update Wed 24 April: we're going to start removing permissions from the moderator primary role this week (sorry for the delay - I think my advance notice was a bit too in advance).

Read on for more details, and to see what actions you can take if you don't want this change to affect your moderation team!

What has changed?

We've removed the following permissions from the moderator primary role.

Here's a visual showing how permissions have changed for moderators in Control - everything in green is still available for moderators; everything in red has been removed for moderators.

Click each spoiler below to see the details of the permissions that moderators have lost access to:


  • Content dashboard

  • Members dashboard

  • Success dashboard

  • Post fields analysis

  • Export

Forum settings

  • Homepage

  • Forum structure

  • Email alert

  • Ideation

  • Moderation Labels

  • Content Helpfulness

General settings

  • User management

  • User profile fields

  • Custom User Roles

  • Ranks

  • Badges

  • Phrases

  • Platform visibility

  • Post field overview

  • File Uploads

  • Spam prevention

  • Integrations

System configuration

  • SSI configuration

  • Third-party Scripts


  • Basic

  • Colors

  • Buttons

  • Fonts

  • Header

  • Navigation

  • Widgets

Embeddable widgets settings

  • Installation

  • Customization

  • Setup

  • Content configuration

Read on to see how you can adapt to this change if you want your moderators to maintain their access to these permissions.

Why did this change?

  • The Moderator primary role was not clearly distinguishable from the Community Manager/Administrator role.

  • By stripping away these default permissions from the Moderator primary role, the role has become much more flexible.

  • It means you can choose to add moderators with access to the bare minimum features needed for moderation.

  • However, if you want your moderators to have more access, you can simply grant them the extra permissions in a custom user role.

I'd rather keep my moderator's permissions the way they are right now. How can I achieve this?

This is really easy to do - just follow the steps below.

  • Create a custom user role as follows

  • Find the moderators you want to grant permissions to via Control > General Settings > User Overview and switch on the custom user role you created for them.

Voila! Please note that the following options still won't be available, even with the custom user role described above. Let us know if you think this'll be a problem for you in the replies.Forum settings

  • Content Helpfulness

General settings

  • File Uploads

  • Spam prevention

  • Integrations

System configuration

  • Third-party Scripts

Embeddable widgets settings

  • Installation

  • Customization

  • Content configuration

Any other questions/feedback? Let us know in the replies! 😁
Thanks for the update on progress here!

As an aside, I didn't receive an email notification about this post. I hope everyone sees it!
As an aside, I didn't receive an email notification about this post. I hope everyone sees it!

Me neither. Saw it by chance.
Thanks for letting me know guys - we'll look into that!

As an aside, I didn't receive an email notification about this post. I hope everyone sees it!Me neither. Saw it by chance.

Same. I missed this one as well: https://community.insided.com/news-platform-updates-16/product-improvements-on-quick-links-content-helpfulness-related-topics-and-solved-topics-1247

As an aside, I didn't receive an email notification about this post. I hope everyone sees it!Me neither. Saw it by chance.
Same. I missed this one as well: https://community.insided.com/news-platform-updates-16/product-improvements-on-quick-links-content-helpfulness-related-topics-and-solved-topics-1247

Same here, for both of these topics!
Hi guys,

a quick update: thanks to your comments, we have fixed an issue with the inSpired notifications a few days ago. Everybody should receive 100% of the notification emails again. 🙂


@Drew C. Case in point, we didn't know/see this at all and had a mod come to me asking why they had lost functionality.

Don't really see the point here, if you don't trust your mods to have that type of functionality, I'd be worried!

Its a pain having to work harder to get the set up right. 😞
Hey Darran!

Yeah, this small issue with notifications apparently came at the wrong time... :(

I feel what you say about giving your Moderators back the permission, it takes some time however we saw the need to do this.

Everybody trusts their Moderators I would say but I can understand when people do not want them to have the same permissions as Administrators. When they have the opportunity to promote themselves to admin than this should be changed, it just makes sense to have a hierachy in access between these roles. And as you are free to give them back all the rights then it's just a matter of doing that, so luckily there is no real "harm" done here.

If you need some help with setting up the custom roles in a way that your Moderators keep the same rights then let me know!


Thanks @Julian it's ok I have set up the extra custom role and given the mods access to this again. We use a lot of custom roles to support different areas of the forum, and move users in and out of them a fair bit so they need this access.

Update: we're going to start removing permissions from the moderator primary role this week (sorry for the delay - I think my advance notice was a bit too in advance).

I also intentionally gave this topic an email bump since so many people missed it the first time.
Would really love for some of these permissions to be updated. Our mods have a bit too much access at the moment that is making me feel a bit unsettled.
Hey Drew,

We encountered a few issues with removing the additional permissions, so we're going to resolve those first before continuing.

Just to check - anything in particular that you definitely don't want mods to have?
Thanks Daniel. Pretty much everything that you've highlighted in the screenshot in red, I would rather not give our Mods access to.
@daniel.boon So what's the situation with these permissions?

Our Mods already had these permission removed, has the change been reverted?
@Suvi Lehtovaara

Here's the current situation:

We've removed the relevant permissions from these categories:

  • General settings

  • System configuration

  • Appearance

We still plan to remove permissions in the following categories from the moderator role:

  • Embeddable widgets

  • Forum settings

  • Analytics

Hope that helps 🙂
Update: we've now removed the embeddable widgets, forum settings, and analytics permissions for moderators, as planned. We also resolved the issues we ran into by removing the earlier permissions.

So now when you're a moderator, you only have access to the following by default:

  • Everything under 'Forum' (i.e. content moderation) + new topic creation.

  • Private messages.

  • User overview (under 'General Settings').

Hey inSided Team, is there a way we can get an updated version of this article? Looks like the latest screenshots are with the old Control UI, I’m trying to get a clear picture of what perms in Control our Moderators and Community Managers have. Our team and various stakeholders who need access to Control is growing rapidly and I’m finding myself a bit confused while provisioning them to make sure they have the right level of access and permissions. 

Hi @daniel.boon,

I’m asking for the same thing as @tiffany.oda :
Can you update this article? 🙂 The screenshot looks quite old.

And what about this idea:
Provide a  glossary of main/relevant terms used in Insided/Digital Hub (UI) here in the Community

Hey Gainsight team, 

Can someone confirm whether Moderator has access to the Analytics (specifically Export) tab? 
