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One KC Bot with recommended content or multiple different KC Bots?

  • October 16, 2024
  • 1 reply


How do you determine whether you are going to build multiple KC Bots for different stages of the customer journey vs one universal KC Bot with different recommended content?

Our biggest struggle is we don’t like the idea of the customer having to click the “recommended content” widget to show everything related to that page. We feel like so much could be missed due to this extra step. 

Is there a way to skip that step and just automatically show the recommended content on the widget?

Best answer by Sruthimalla

Hi @jadkins.iiq

KC Bots are going for a revamp next quarter and that would actually solve your use-cases and queries on avoiding multiple KC bots. You can get more info on KC bot 2.0 in this webinar planned for this Oct 30

From the strategic perspective, Here is my take on building multiple bots :

→ The goal of the KC bot : 

If you are serving single ICP and trying to achieve very stage specific goals, you need multiple bots across stages to effectively track the usage as well as help the users with right resources and CTAs.

But when the user is adoption phase , we no longer need a guides as a checklist. Rather a bunch of learning paths specific to different goals (Which is an another alternative for multiple KC bots) -→ Paths are category groups of articles, guides and links specific to your adoption goals.

If you would like to get deep into this , please do check this webinars where I have covered all these details as a KC bot Playbook.

Please do share if you have any further queries. Happy to share my learnings :-)


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  • Gainsight Employee ⭐️⭐️
  • 38 replies
  • Answer
  • October 17, 2024

Hi @jadkins.iiq

KC Bots are going for a revamp next quarter and that would actually solve your use-cases and queries on avoiding multiple KC bots. You can get more info on KC bot 2.0 in this webinar planned for this Oct 30

From the strategic perspective, Here is my take on building multiple bots :

→ The goal of the KC bot : 

If you are serving single ICP and trying to achieve very stage specific goals, you need multiple bots across stages to effectively track the usage as well as help the users with right resources and CTAs.

But when the user is adoption phase , we no longer need a guides as a checklist. Rather a bunch of learning paths specific to different goals (Which is an another alternative for multiple KC bots) -→ Paths are category groups of articles, guides and links specific to your adoption goals.

If you would like to get deep into this , please do check this webinars where I have covered all these details as a KC bot Playbook.

Please do share if you have any further queries. Happy to share my learnings :-)



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