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Advanced Outreach dynamic exclusion list

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  • darkknight
  • jennifer_bantelman
  • anne
  • jd_griffis

The CSV exclusion list is a great feature of the Advanced Outreach participants filter.  Is there any plan to add a Report Builder exclusion filter?  An exclusion option in the Merge task could accomplish this as well.

Example use case: Filter all contacts associated with accounts that have opportunities created in the past 6 months.

3 replies

Hi Dale,

One question. Have you tried using Bionic Query as a data source. If so, can this exclusion criteria be set as a task within the bionic query as a source and configured so that the contacts are automatically excluded and only the right contacts are brought into the advanced outreach?

Abhishek S

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  • Helper ⭐️
  • 37 replies
  • March 28, 2018
Hi Abhishek,

I did try this but I can only retain records using the Merge task in the query builder, not exclude. I could flip the logic on the opportunity object filter to only include accounts that have not had opportunities in the past 6 months.  However, I expect that would not include accounts with no opportunities on record because they would not exist in the opportunity object.
Did you have some workaround in mind?

Thanks for your feedback

  • Helper ⭐️⭐️⭐️
  • 460 replies
  • March 29, 2018
Hi Dale, One way to get a set of accounts with zero opportunities is to query the opportunity object for the last six months and do a pivot task grouped by account.   This gives you fields like "Acct Name || Number of Opps".  Doing an outer join (Merge) of this with the Account table and then filtering for Number of Opps = Niull will give you accounts with no Opps. Doing an inner join between this data set and your contacts will limit you to only contacts that don't have any opps.  By the way, here is a video on the joint types that ends with an example somewhat similar to 'accounts with zero opps.' .  You may also want to refer to the following video on Pivot task:

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