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Congrats to the Pulse US 2024 GameChanger Award Winners!

  • 19 May 2024
  • 3 replies

Another Pulse means a new crop of GameChanger award winners. Recognizing innovation and leadership in the customer success industry is one of our favorite parts of the entire event. This year, the winners truly inspired us and we are so excited to celebrate their achievements. 

Without further ado, here are the 2024 GameChanger Award Winners!



The Architect: Lucid Software

The first award is The Architect, a company that goes above and beyond to build a thriving customer community. This company knows the power of engagement and loyalty when it comes to retention and growth. This year, The Architect award goes to Lucid Software

Lucid has had an active community for over 10 years, and they were ready to take that community to the next level by using Gainsight to drive customer engagement and peer support. Lucid wanted to incentivize peer-to-peer support using points, badges, and groups, as well as centralize product feedback to help users more easily share their ideas with Lucid’s development team.

After launching a revamped community with Gainsight, Lucid was able to quickly meet their goals, creating a truly engaging community experience. They have seen a significant increase in product ideas as well as peer support.

The Challenger: Electric 

The Challenger award goes to the organization that experienced unforeseen challenges but worked through them to achieve even greater success. They are the prime example of what can happen when companies combine the powers of customers, teammates, and community. From this year’s submissions, no company did that better than Electric

Electric had a significant restructuring early Q2 2023 that reverberated across all teams, notably impacting the CS team. The new structure uncovered a lack of customer data and error-prone processes that were done manually by an overwhelmed CS team. 

To address these challenges, Electric augmented their team’s expertise with an investment in Gainsight CS. Their objective was to ensure proactive and effective management of renewals despite resource constraints. With their new strategy and CS platform in place, Electric achieved their highest upsell revenue performance for a single quarter. 

The Defender: Shipt

The Defender award is given to companies that prioritize their customer education program. This company embodies a proactive, knowledge-driven approach, using Gainsight CE to give customers the resources they need to thrive.

This year’s winner is Shipt. Their previous academy was not built for the needs of their diverse customer base. They saw prolonged course completion times, extended activation periods, and user performance issues. Something had to change. 

By transforming their training to be personalized to their customers, Shipt improved course completion, saw faster activations, reduced course completion time, increased positive user-feedback, and improved performance. 

The Digital Customer Success Disruptor: PopMenu

For The Digital Customer Success Disruptor award, we recognize a company that uses digital technologies to revolutionize customer success. This year, that company was PopMenu.

The PopMenu team needed to move out of a hyper growth period and balance their focus between growth and retention. They knew if they didn’t effectively shift their focus to profitability, they wouldn’t be able to support their customers the right way while maintaining a manageable headcount. 

PopMenu’s refined approach leveraged insights from Gainsig PX data to create comprehensive customer experience and adoption campaigns catered to their customers. Using better technology and improving processes, PopMenu cut costs and increased NPS significantly, just to name a few wins.

The Dream Team: BMC Software

The Dream Team award celebrates teams that come together to achieve something extraordinary (think The Breakfast Club). This team works cross-functionally to redefine collaboration and rally around the common goal of customer success. This year, the best example was BMC Software

Facing a lack of consistency in customer data, reporting, and process that created friction throughout the customer experience, BMC Software set out to build a dream team. They used their commitment to customer success to make it the common focus of all their teams, including Product, Data and Revenue teams. By creating a single dashboard for all customer data that all customer-facing team members can access, over a two-week period BMC Software saw an impressive increase in active lead generation. 

The Experience Maker: Adobe

The Experience Maker award recognizes the organization that mastered the art of the customer experience. They create moments that spark engagement, loyalty, and advocacy. This year, the winner is Adobe.

The Adobe team needed a way to increase feature adoption and improve customer understanding of the strategic significance of those features. They decided on a series of  journey-based in-product guides tailored to individual user needs and preferences using Gainsight PX. 

As a result, the team was able to drive engagement across the user journey, increase adoption, and ultimately impact retention. Today, they observe a best-in-class feature adoption rate with engaged users, as well as an impressive time-to-value after a user engages with an in-product guide.  

The Transformational Leader: Alteryx

The Transformational Leader award goes to an individual who has elevated customer success and product experience as strategic priorities.

This year’s winner is Nic Morales at Alteryx. With forward-thinking initiatives, effective team collaboration, and a deep understanding of customer needs, Morales elevated customer success and set a benchmark for excellence. 

Under Morales, Alteryx saw a double-digit increase in retention and growth of revenue base for customers who engage with CSMs plus maintained excellent NPS and CSAT while transforming the organization to scale and paid-model. 

The Visionary: Harri 

This Visionary award goes to the organization that succeeds by leveraging the power of Human-First AI to evolve what customer success can be. This year, that organization was Harri

When Harri found itself in a hypergrowth year, it knew that it was facing new challenges. Because Harri is in such a high-touch, service-focused space, maintaining the CS team was a top priority. 

Harri dug deep to understand what the motivating factors of their CSMs were and how they could eliminate tasks so they could focus on their highest value work. By leveraging Gainsight AI, they were able to save hundreds of hours and grow CS-qualified leads!

Congratulations to All the Winners!


3 replies

Thank you!!

Userlevel 7
Badge +10

Congratulations everyone - @DanielMaimone  @Nic_Morales  @mbuuck1 and the others I didn’t find here. Hope you had a thrilling moment on stage and delivering what led you to that stage 🎉

Userlevel 1
Badge +1

Thank you! So enjoyed attending and meeting everyone 😊
