Excited to take the stage at Pulse 2024 and talk all about Healthscoring!

  • 23 April 2024
  • 7 replies

Userlevel 1
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I’m stoked to be going to Pulse in May and sharing our journey here at Okta on health scoring. My session is Navigating Complexity: Okta’s path to a comprehensive and scalable health score.

I’ll be going through Okta’s transformative journey and deep diving through the evolution of our health score. I’ll be sharing how we set up our initial, more basic health score in Gainsight and then showing our transition to a multi-score model due to progressing business needs and digging into real world examples of our learnings from using those different scores to excel in our digital journey and to improve our CSM lead journey.

Last but not least, I'll be sharing how we arrived at our Holistic Health score, where we have become more automated and scalable using such features as Gainsight’s Relationship scores to calculate product specific scores!



7 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +5

@mallen SO informative! ⭐

Userlevel 4
Badge +2

From basics to a comprehensive model, we'll explore real-world examples and insights. Wouldn’t miss it! 🚀

Userlevel 2
Badge +4

Sounds Informative! Looking forward to it!! @mallen 

Userlevel 1

Eagerly awaiting to delve into your superb content@mallen 

Userlevel 2

@mallen  While the session was very helpful, What would you suggest as the structure of a CS Ops team to support scale programs?

Userlevel 2
Badge +4

@mallen The session was really amazing and I have a question to ask: How would you define customer experience vs customer success?

Userlevel 1
Badge +6

@Sravanthi Eleti - To answer your question on structure, it would depend on how your initial team is built out and how large the scale team is.

Ideally - if you have the capacity for it, there would be either a dedicated ops person for Scale or at least someone that supports Scale and Digital to maintain alignment and flow on the customer journey. You’d also want to make sure the internal ops team members that support dedicated CSMs collaborate and work together with the Scale ops person to maintain cohesiveness up the ladder from Digital, to Scale, to Dedicated CS. 


@Sowmya Vemprala - For me, customer experience is important to customer success, but is a different view. Customer experience at the user level could cover the help portal, nps surveys, and how the customer feels about using the product. On the customer success side, that is about showing the value the business brings to them.
