Pulse Europe 2022 - From Customer Journey to User Journey

  • 24 October 2022
  • 6 replies

Userlevel 5
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Really looking forward to being on stage at Pulse Europe 2022 in 2 weeks and sharing our journey in building a digital end-user journey to complement our customer journey.

In the presentation, I'll talk about how a digital user can complement your customer journey, why it's important to adopt a multi-channel approach for this journey, and illustrate this with the self-service onboarding program for TrendMiner we launched last year.

This program combines an in-app journey via Gainsight PX, a series of onboarding emails via Gainsight CS Journey Orchestrator, Fundamentals webinars, eLearning, and a getting started section in our user guide. Its implementation led to an increase of user activation between 5 and 10 percent.

Let me know if there's anything you would like to see covered during the session or in the Q&A afterwards...


Session details

From Customer Journey to User Journey: Scaling B2B CS by Focusing on the End-User
Track: Scaling Massively with Digital Engagement
Wednesday, November 9th - 10:40-11:20



6 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +2

Thanks for intro-ing your session @Jef Vanlaer👍🏼

We are very passionate about journeys and creating an integrated experience is a focus area for our Community in 2023 - Looking forward to your session.

Userlevel 7
Badge +5

Thank you for sharing your session intro with us @Jef Vanlaer ⭐️
So pumped for this! 🙌🏼

Badge +1

@Jef Vanlaer “Its implementation led to an increase of user activation between 5 and 10 percent.” This is awesome! Did you have this sort of expectation going in? Also curious if you’re getting survey data back about the new experience and how that may impact an iteration or further support your current implementation. Nice work!

Userlevel 7
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The Community gets real ... Wishing @jeff and the Software AG team all the best for their session at #PulseEU22 



Userlevel 5
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The Community gets real ... Wishing @jeff and the Software AG team all the best for their session at #PulseEU22 



Thanks for the support and the nice picture, @anirbandutta 

Userlevel 5
Badge +1

@Jef Vanlaer “Its implementation led to an increase of user activation between 5 and 10 percent.” This is awesome! Did you have this sort of expectation going in? Also curious if you’re getting survey data back about the new experience and how that may impact an iteration or further support your current implementation. Nice work!

Hi @SeanDonnelly 
We definitely hoped (and aimed for) such an outcome. We have been surveying users at the end of the onboarding journey. Feedback was limited; mainly positive comments and some requests for making the content available in multiple languages. Apart from that, feedback through our CSMs taught us that many users would like to revisit the in-app engagements at a later (more convenient) time, so we made them available through the embedded PX Knowledge Bot. One of our main sources of data on effectiveness is take up data on the in-app user journey we get directly in Gainsight PX. It has already resulted in implementing reminders for users who didn't achieve a step in the journey after 2 days. Furthermore, based on this data, we are looking into experimenting in shortening the journey (focussing even more on key steps) to see if this leads more users to the final step of setting up a monitor (which we know brings a lot of value).
