Hi Jurgen,
thanks for sharing, I also find this a very interesting topic! I remember simply lacking the time to work on advanced Analytics when I ran my end-user Community, unfortunately. :(
I guess you know that Google Analytics already offers quite some interesting insights into user behavior?
You can find this on the website, it is listed under "Behaviour" - "Behaviour flow". Due to privacy, I have picked an example image:

Of course the information which is being displayed there is not offering you as much information as tagging & tracking on all pages (e.g. even on company pages)... Web Analytics via Taggging offer much deeper insights, which can help to optimize the user journey on our communities. In the end we build the Forum structure and the integrations based on assumptions, and sometimes these assumptions are simply not correct.
Once the first dashboards have been published the product team will discuss which types of Analytics Dashboards will come next. It is also highly likely that Google Analytics will be integrated into the Dashboards at one point.
Implementing Google Analytics would be prioritized over this, as it will give information about user behaviour without any additional work required from you / my colleagues or your colleagues - from a "cost vs. benefit" perspective, this likely will be in the interest of most of the Community Managers working with our platform. Maybe
@christophrooms could share his two cents regarding this? :)
I could really see something like this coming in the future... It would be interesting to hear the thoughts of other Community Managers about this as well!