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Hey everyone.  I am trying to create a POST External Action to generate a Milestone (Timeline Activity) on a Relationship after an email is sent through JO. My tests have all failed due to the error:

"message": "No records. Aborting!""errorCode": "GS_TL_10_0101"

I am including the following fields in the External Action:

               "referenceId": "1",
               "ContextId": "1P05A6ERY82MMUAXRAH3L6YS761QA9ROGZVV",
               "TypeName": "MILESTONE",
               "GsCompanyId": "{{GsCompanyId}}",
                "MilestoneType": "{{MilestoneType}}",
                "RelationshipTypeId": "{{RelationshipTypeId}}",
                "RelationshipId": "{{RelationshipId}}",
                "Subject": "{{MilestoneSubject}}",
                "ActivityDate": "{{RuleDate}}",
                "Notes": "Test Comment "

I tried to update the action to create the Activity on a Company record but received the same error.  

Please help!

Are you putting valid IDs for Relationship, company, and Relationship Type in all the corresponding fields in the Test?  Not sure if that’s the error message we send when a bad GSID is provided but that’s my first thought.

Can you post a screenshot of the data entered in the Test screen with the call response?

@sdrostgainsightcom I am copying the values from a report so they should be correct.   Here is a screenshot of the screen and response.  

I appreciate your help.  

Hi Jennifer -- OK, had to take a quick look to refresh my memory, but I think there’s a number for issues with the External Action as set up.

Take a look at the “Parameters” part of the documentation here -- it gives a list of required fields, and I’m not seeing that you’ve added an External ID for starters -- I’m guessing you can use the JO Participant ID as a unique ID in this case.  Pretty sure the Type Name shouldn’t be all caps either, but could be mistaken there.   Easy for you to double-check.

If you scroll up a bit from the Parameters section, there’s a good sample API call to view -  although you don’t need the Lookups since you are writing the Company and Relationship GSIDs in, the basic Call body in the example may help answer some questions.

Final note -- is there a reason you can’t use the Load to Activites with the Rules Engine for this?  The action is designed to create Milestones - and since you are pulling from JO tables, I assume this is coming from Rules Engine?


@sdrostgainsightcom  Thanks for your response.  I actually pivoted yesterday to the Load to Activities option using the Email Log V2 object as the source.  This allows me to ensure only one milestone is created per account instead of one milestone per contact.

I initially went the External Action path so I can have the full workflow in one place.  It gets confusing to have pieces of a larger function spread throughout JO, DD, and Rules.  Side note, it would be nice if JO was expanded to include load to options so we can have a better end to end workflow in the program  I’ll see if this is already a suggestion.  

I did review the referenced document but I was confused as to how the External ID field would apply since I am not updating existing entries but your explanation makes sense as to its purpose and requirement.  I used the values populated in the report/Data Management fields for the proper formatting, which is why Type name is in all caps.  Is that the correct approach to find the correct field values for testing?

Since I am taking the rule route, I will just continue to tinker with the Action as I have time to see if I can get it to work because I like a challenge ;)  

I appreciate your help.  

