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New customer wants to say thank you inSided Support, nice job 💪

  • November 25, 2022
  • 6 replies

  • VIP ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
  • 769 replies

We just swapped our community from Khoros to inSided. After 8 years this is kinda new start, exiting times 😎

I just wanted to say thanks for inSided Support, I really love what they do and how they do. During the migration and now, after we went live three weeks ago Support has been super helpful. They do things for me, not just saying go there and there and do it for your self. They have helped me with small customizations as well. People in Support are kind and they apologize if needed. Response time has been fast I can say.

One super amazing customer experience was the case where I asked here something. Later on someone said that “I have done this for you”. I was "wooot, what is this ?!?!?"

All of these are new for me, I havent got used to. Khoros always said “Create a ticket”, "Create a ticket.” They were so bureaucratic and distance. And slow.

Because I have asked a lot (new customer wants to know and learn) and I have created so many tickets to Support, I havent got time to give feedback to the surveys what they send after ticket is closed. So I wanted to say thanks here and puclicly. After this hassle around the launch is over, during following I weeks promise to give feedback to surveys 😃

But now, thanks.

What kind of experiences you have about the inSided support?



(Of course there are always things what can be done better but nevermind them at this point 😗)

6 replies

  • Helper ⭐️⭐️⭐️
  • 523 replies
  • November 25, 2022

Hey, that’s really good to hear! I can see a certain Tom has already noticed this thread. But I think @Julian @Alistair FIeld and @ravi.kurma should as well. :)

My position is actually extremely unique when it comes to inSided stuff, I am neither a customer nor employee myself - just a very, very engaged user! I am able to get inSided Support to do certain things under my own authority like submit bug reports and ask for help in general though - and for me that’s more than plenty. I think there’s some kind of thing where I might be allowed to go beyond that, but I never try.

They’ve definitely been brilliant on the MANY times I’ve managed to blow up the platform with unique and quirky bugs too.

Likewise, I’m able to request inSided to do certain small things on the OVO Forum without needing approval from anyone else. It’s mostly stuff like turning on missing features that should be available or fixing pesky bugs that are messing up the instance. But definitely helpful either way!

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  • VIP ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
  • 769 replies
  • November 25, 2022

You are pretty unique person I have to say @Blastoise186  🤓

  • Helper ⭐️⭐️⭐️
  • 523 replies
  • November 25, 2022

Haha, you can blame @timcavey for that! I started this journey just over two years ago and Tim has been at the centre of it the entire time.

To think he nearly banned me as a spammer on my first day on the OVO Forum too! Boy, that would have been a fun ban appeal. XD

  • VIP ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
  • 167 replies
  • November 28, 2022

Hi @revote Welcome to InSided! As one of the first Khoros (Lithium) → InSided migrations, many, many years ago, I can 1000000% agree with you on your praise. InSided is simply fantastic!

There are some things that are very different, but in a good way. Khoros has some features and metrics that InSided doesn’t and vice versa, but I truly believe that you will find that you have much more autonomy with InSided, and you won’t need a huge dev team at your back to make even the smallest of changes.

And speaking of InSided support: They’re just brilliant! Never a question too small, and their reaction time is absolutely stellar! 

Welcome aboard! :) 


  • Helper ⭐️⭐️⭐️
  • 523 replies
  • November 28, 2022

In fact, as a user I find Khoros an absolutely terrible experience. I’ve quit communities before because they either ran on Khoros or migrated to it. I just don’t like the way it’s so complicated and clunky.

Anyway, that’s for another time! If you’ve got any other questions, feel free to try either inSided Support or here on inSpired. Chances are you’ll get the answer you’re after! :)

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  • VIP ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
  • 769 replies
  • November 28, 2022
Ditte wrote:

There are some things that are very different, but in a good way. Khoros has some features and metrics that InSided doesn’t and vice versa, but I truly believe that you will find that you have much more autonomy with InSided, and you won’t need a huge dev team at your back to make even the smallest of changes.

We made pretty comprehensive benchmarking and made decision based which platform has the most pros. Features, UX (and CX), need for developers, price and so on. Now you know who was it.


Ditte wrote:

And speaking of InSided support: They’re just brilliant! Never a question too small, and their reaction time is absolutely stellar! 

Welcome aboard! :) 

This is good to know, this isnt just a honeymoon 😎



Blastoise186 wrote:

In fact, as a user I find Khoros an absolutely terrible experience. I’ve quit communities before because they either ran on Khoros or migrated to it. I just don’t like the way it’s so complicated and clunky.

Anyway, that’s for another time! If you’ve got any other questions, feel free to try either inSided Support or here on inSpired. Chances are you’ll get the answer you’re after! :)

I dont want to speak bad about them, as is. All I want to say is that they need to renew the platform. Totally. They had ongoing renewal project but we couldnt wait it anymore. We had been waiting it for years… They had also too many personnel changes (CSM´s on and so on).

But yeah, we have now turned new page. I am looking forward!

What I wish for is that we have more (active) users here in inSpired. Sharing their knownledge and experiences. Khoros´s customer community is active.

I´ll promise to be active here, to build awesome inSpired community.

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