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Let’s use this space to learn from each other!  Everyone has a different admin journey and I want to learn more from each of you.  I’ll occassionally drop a question here that we can chat about.

What is a small (or not so small) but significant challenge you’ve overcome in this role?

It can be passing an exam you were anxious about, to configuring a rule or program, to leading a discussion with your end users about adoption…  please share with me the challenges you’ve overcome that you’re most proud of and let’s celebrate those wins together!!  

Relating to working with stakeholders and end users, the most powerful thing I learned was how to say “no” when appropriate. New admins want to deliver results and may be prone saying yes to every request that comes from the team. Many times, these requests come from stakeholders that are the appropriate approval authority.

Cases arise where a request comes in and your knowledge of the platform/business leads you to a different solution than the one proposed. This knowledge needs to be shared in a respectful manner with the proper stakeholders as they may not have the in depth you do. Doing so can be awkward at first, but will instill confidence in your leaders of your ability to do the job properly. Conversely, saying yes to every request will lead to constant back tracking and will build a mountain of technical debt.
