Welcome back to our chat with Brandy Lemire (
GS: What advice would you give someone who wants to level-up their understanding of the technical aspects of administering Gainsight?
BL: Take as many of the online courses for all aspects related to Gainsight and don’t be afraid to ask questions on the Gainsight Admins slack channel, no matter how simple or “dumb” they may feel to you! We all started at the beginning and that is how we all learn! Attend at least one Pulse conference and be sure to meet up with other Gainsight Administrators or people who use it regularly! This was a tremendous help to me! If you can attend the virtual live training classes, do this as well! The more knowledge you can absorb and be exposed to it very helpful!
GS: Ohh yes - soak up all the learning opportunities you can including Pulse!! Who has been a big help in your journey as an admin? A mentor? Boss? Peer? Someone else? How have they helped?
BL: The biggest help for me has been my director! She is a mentor (and my immediate boss) and is always working with me to expand my knowledge in Gainsight and in the CS Ops role, being a new person to this specific area. She listens and is always willing to work with me to troubleshoot a rule set up, a report or anything else that I might be working on!
GS: Having someone to talk through ideas and challenges with is really helpful. What tips do you have for someone trying to achieve the Level 1 Admin Certification?
BL: Be sure to take all of the online courses as well as practice in Gainsight as much as you can prior to taking the test. It will help you to familiarize yourself with aspects of Gainsight that you might not use on a regular basis. Use the Gainsight community to reach out to others that have taken the level 1 admin test to get a feel for what it was like to help remove any anxiety about taking the exam!
GS: And in closing, if you could carpool karaoke with Nick Mehta, what song would you choose?
BL: This one is hard as I don’t sing Karaoke AT ALL! There isn’t enough alcohol to make me want to do this. A song that I like is “Shut Up and Dance” by Walk the Moon, so maybe that one. He can sing and I will lip sync with him! Haha! (Check out their YouTube video below)