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Hello there, I’ve created a Horizon rule to calculate the total certifications awarded to a company and update a field with the result.  In my Actions I have the first image in the thread, which seems like it should work.  However, when it fails and I look at the result it shows that my count field comes up as a boolean.  The original field is a boolean, but “COUNT”ing it should be a number, no?




Any chance you saved that step where you aggregated to “Count of” and then went back and changed it? There seems to be some type of problem with data type metadata not updating correctly if a field type was ever changed.

You can try and re-save every task in your rule and try re-adding the field to the action to see if that helps. Otherwise it might be a classic rebuild and try again.

Thanks, started again from scratch.  What’s frustrating is that the test run is successful, though it also shows the post run action as trying to load a boolean to a number.  In any case, starting over didn’t help. 😥

Thanks, started again from scratch.  What’s frustrating is that the test run is successful, though it also shows the post run action as trying to load a boolean to a number.  In any case, starting over didn’t help. 😥

Dang, was hoping a bad solution would at least be A solution for you. For sure sounds like a bug

yup, ticket time….
