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This is a small issue nothing that has to happen but I imagine it is a small fix and is parity between bionic and here.


In bionic rules you can type in a selection and click check all when defining rel types the rule is to apply to. However in Horizon this experience is different. If you have a selection typed in and click check all it still clicks everything, not what you have filtered for.






Same scenario in Bionic.


Also adding on to this, apparently if you have something typed in and select just one Rel the search criteria disappears. Why?




Don’t want you to think we forgot about this @Wayne! @rakesh is looking into this and will follow-up soon.

Hi @Wayne  I have pushed this as a bug to track it best.

Cool, I saw a ticket was opened for this and had me tagged. Was that on purpose?

Yes, Rakesh created that on your behalf.  


Yes, Rakesh created that on your behalf. @waynedilworth 

I think you tagged the wrong Wayne.


But, thanks for the info.

I apologize! 
