I’ve recently come across a bug/parity gap in GS for HRE and bionic rules.
In bionic rules the custom mapping for pick-lists lists all the options on the left but if a value is inactive it will not map on the right, pushing a null instead, expected behavior as it is no longer active.
However, in HRE rules it does not list them out at all on either side. Meaning if records had them before rules don't know how to handle those records what that option is/was selected on the record.
Obviously this problem occurs because we have old records with old picklist options. But, that is to be expected. At that time an old record had that as a valid cause. So, it should still hold that value.
Recently we changed over a pre-existing rule to HRE and then it started failing due too an option that was previously marked inactive but on the source record and no longer has this null mapping. So it is trying to push it and it is failing. Which means this is going to happen with many of our rules and across multiple customer when they are forced to migrate.
I tried presenting this to support but they are telling me this is expected behavior, which obviously it isn’t because the parity between HRE and bionic is suppose to be 1:1 and this would cause tons of work for admins to have to build a workaround on.