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Hi Community,

we’re currently setting up our Private Community and were wondering, if the Custom Page feature could be used as a general Langingpage, with info about the Community and Sign-Up process, which is publicly available.

We were thinking about using te Custom Page a Landingpage, where we provide info about the Community and How to sign up. This page would need to be publicly available, so we selected Visible to: Unregistered / Not logged in. But when checking, if the page is visible in a private browser tab, it isn't.

Is the public setting of the Community itself overruling the visibility settings of the Custom
Page? And if so, is there a possibility to have a Landingpage with info about the Community which is publicly available, even though the community itself is private?




Interesting question and really great idea for a use case. I’m not sure the answer. My guess is no.

However, a solution could be having a “hybrid” community with Public visibility and Private categories. However, some things like User Profiles, Events, and Product Updates are fully visible in Public community setting. 

I talked about this on a webinar with Insided in October. Recording link and more of my thoughts in the answer to this post: 


@DannyPancratz Thank you for your reply. A hybrid community is not an option for our use case. I think we need to find another solution for an info page.
