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Can’t users simply search on a specific forum alone, without having to see all the search results in the community forums? 

For example in our Community; if I search for a word in a forum (it searches the whole forums) without being specific to the forum the user is at. It’s fine but isn’t there a place where users can simply search the forum alone?

Thanks & Best Regards,

Heya @Yasas_AK ! Welcome to inSpired.

I’ve noticed you’ve got a few questions already, so I’ll try to tackle them if I can. Just to keep things tidy, I’ll answer each one in the respective thread. :)

This is indeed possible to do, but not via the quick search bar as that’s intended to be a quick and simple search without too many fancy tricks. However, if you press enter after entering a keyword or two, you’ll bring up the full search results which does allow you to drill down to just specific categories or modules - Community is the one which does just the main forum for example.

It’s recommended to keep that search bar available because it often gets very well used, but as a shortcut to the full search, you can use this link for the one that’s over here on inSpired. Simply replace the domain with the one for your own community.

I couldn’t find your community though, so I can’t give an example link that’s specific to yours. Could you fill out your Profile for me please? This can make it a little bit easier if you need help again.

Hi @Blastoise186 thank you very much. Your answer is helpful; and I was aware on that filtration possibility, but was wondering a more direct option to search in a specific forum because we have so many forums and it’s so hard to find the required forum directly (have to drill down a lot) due too many of the forums having similar content at times. I will fill out the profile in detail. Appreciate any other option for lengthy drop downs (see more) filtrations.
Thanks & Best Regards,

Well, in theory it could be possible to have a behaviour change that prioritises searching the current category (or module) first and ahead of the others if you’re currently in one. I’ve just had a look at your community and wow you’re not joking about those categories either!

Thanks for filling out your profile by the way, this definitely makes my life easier. I’ve gone ahead and searched for any existing Ideas that sound similar and I think I’ve found a matching one. Could you take a look at this one and see if it sounds about right? Don’t forget to Upvote it if you like it!

If that does get implemented, it will quite likely solve the request here. :)

Thank you very much I will follow up on that :)

No worries, glad I could help. :)

Would you be happy to set a Best Answer on this thread for me when you get a chance? I often use the Recently Active and Unanswered Questions feeds to identify threads that haven’t yet been solved, so if you’re happy to mark off the ones where you’re happy with the answers, that would be great.

Hi @Blastoise186 done, thank you !
