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In the Insided HTML editor I sometimes want to type sth that Insided considers as special, for example

Unfortunately the Insided editor converts a letter ‘s’ surrounded by square brackets by <s></s> indicating that text should be striked out. When you save your blog, all the following text in the blog gets a striked-out look!

I can sort of see why this is, but my question is: how can you get around it if you DON’T want Insided to do this? I thought I had found the solution by bringing up the tagged version of the blog text and then using special html symbols:

Amazingly, this works the FIRST time you re-save you work. But if you happen to have to edit&save for a SECOND time, it’s all wrong again. This is because the first time, Save replaces the “brack” notation by real brackets, and the second time these are replaced by strikeout tags.

There are multiple other examples. We use two letters ‘m’ surrounded by colons to show how you can show hours, minutes and seconds in certain software.

But these are forceably turned into the Surinam flag (I believe it is):

You would think that a professional editor that understands how sth has been escaped, also understands that it should keep its hands off the escaped stuff, but no. To be fair, this is more a problem raised by HTML than by Insided, and something like &lbrack; is not an escape character but simply a reference to a character.

How can I prevent Insided from making these replacements? I know about <pre> but that is too generic: it preserves whatever HTML thinks should be preserved, resulting in unwanted font types and more.

Hi @Rob.van.haarst! Thank you for sharing this challenge with us! Since you posted this question, my team and I have had an initial assessment and it seems that during editing the bbcode parser interferes with the body of text, interpreting the special characters or set of characters as html code, applying it as such.

I made a quick recording of how we reproduced the issue:

Could you please let us know if you’re experiencing this in the same way, meaning only the moment you try to edit a post or does it happen upon initial publishing as well? If it’s the later, a recording would help us understand better the extend of the you’re experiencing issue. 

In terms of fixes, we will need to do a more in-depth investigation to understand how we could address this behaviour and ensure users can share code snippets and expressions. To streamline the delivery of a potential fix, I will escalate your post to a ticket with our support team so they can open a defect for my team to start the investigation. 


Hi Cristina! Thank you for taking this call so seriously. After a year’s trial, we like Insided so much that we are now moving all our Knowledge Base materials to Insided. Fixing this would be a great help.

Am I correct that your recording does not have any audio?

From watching your screen recording, and also from your question, I'm not sure that our point is clear.

First of all: the only reason I added the 2nd example (about hh🇲🇲dd) was to show the importance of the issue for us: it does not just happen with square brackets, but with a lot of other special characters as well. But in order to get a clear reproduction path, you can focus on the square brackets example. Just put the hh🇲🇲dd example aside. The issue is the same in both cases.

Your question: to run into this problem, it does not seem to make any difference whether you do

  • an initial publish (Publish) followed by an edit (Save Changes), or
  • an edit (Save Changes) followed by a later edit (Save Changes).

In both cases, my point is the same. It is possible to produce in Insided the following content:

by bringing up your code editor and then typing

So far, so good. But if you then go back to that article and make ANY further change, even something not at all related to this letter s surrounded by brackets, then the whole thing falls over. This is because the first time the code is parsed, unfortunately the above code is replaced by "real” brackets, and then the NEXT time the article is parsed, these brackets are unwantedly interpreted as a special instruction. In this case, the unwanted special instruction is to strike out all the typing (because the opening square bracket is replaced by an <s> HTML element). In other cases, there is some completely different unwanted effect, such as the country flag replacing the character sequence ‘🇲🇲‘.

Does this help?


I am having the same issue. I would like to display the following

However the bracket star is replaced by a bullet point

Are there any escape characters we can use?
