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Hi folks. 

These may be an easy one but I can’t find how to edit / change the Knowledge Base module title. 

We want to rephrase it to something else as we already have a Knowledge Base. 

We want the change to be reflected in all places: URL, breadcrumb, page title, etc. 



@Gabolino it takes a while to find them all… Here are the main ones:

  • Breadcrumb: Hit the “Phrases” toggle and then “Edit” next to the one to change...
  • Section title: (page that at “/knowledge-base”) Simply hit “Customise” on the page and then the pen icon to edit the Hero banner section where the search is:
  • Knowledge Base Categories: (Under the hero banner) Similarly hit “Customise” and the pen icon and then the title is under the “Content” area:
  • Navigation bar: 
    • Main header: In “Customise” mode, hit the pen icon and rename the title
    • Dropdown content: In “Phrases” mode, hit the Knowledge base dropdown to open it and then the “Edit” button on the Knowledge base home link to change it.


Hope this helps!

That’s brilliant, thanks @SmartlyGreg 

I think I’ve managed to change them all, but the URL remains /knowledge-base which is an issue. 

Any way you can think of to get these changes reflected at a URL level too?


Happy New Year 🎊

@Gabolino glad I could help. Sadly for the URL, I cannot think of anything that are even worth mentioning. Maybe you can explain if there is a specific case in which it needs to be addressed and there are other ways to tackle the problem there. If its just a matter of people browsing the community and landing on the Learning hub with a knowledge base URL then I think your only way forward would be to ask InSided for a favour...
