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Hi all,

Perhaps this question or idea has already been posted here, but I wasn't able to find anything related to this. If there is in fact already a topic about this subject, please let me know! :thumbsup:

As an older community we have quite bit of content that is quite old, but still very valuable and beneficial for our users. For example: (don't pay attention to the lay-out, we're working on it!)

This topic has been published almost 8 years ago, but is still relevant, perhaps now more than ever, with all the phishing and fake texting going on. Its also being used on our website and social media, so all the communications regarding scamming comes through that topic.

So, now to the question: Is there a way that we can update or modify the published date? I can imagine that people look at it and go: “Wow, that topic is ancient, I'm looking elsewhere”, even though it still has relevant and actual information. 

It would be nice if there would be an option where you could hoover over the date and see when it has been originally posted, but at first glance you would see when the topic has been last updated, making it more attractive to click on.

Looking forward to replies! Thanks in advance.

Hi @David T-Mobile,

I’m sure this topic has been raised in the past, and it would be best suited as an Idea on the community. I suggest making an idea post, so that other community members can vote on it too.

I’m going to tag @Cristina here so that she is aware of your feedback. She may or may not have a workaround. 

Thanks, @Jeanie Lee!

Hi @David T-Mobile! That’s a very interesting use case, thank you for raising this with us. As Jeanie mentioned, this would be a great idea to submit on our Ideation so we can assess the impact of such a solution with other customers as well. 

As a workaround for valuable content pieces like the example you shared, I’m thinking of copying the content and publishing it as a new topic (maybe even as an article, as articles have higher SEO ranking). The trickier part is deciding what to do with all the replies, as I can see there are quite a few on that topic. Replies can be moved to another topic, but you’d need to move them one by one: 

This might be a solution for an one-off case, but I can appreciate it’s an intensive manual work and such a functionality within our product would make more sense.
