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  • 14 June 2021
  • 3 replies

Does anyone have any advice on best-practices for collaboration of (draft) content with users who are not Insided users?
eg. I am writing an article that I want our legal and compliance section to review before it is published. 
We’ve had issues in the past copying and pasting from Google-Docs, so any other methods would be appreciated.
Thanks in advance

Hey there @Ilan B !

Speaking from my own personal experience as a user, this is kinda tricky unfortunately.

Realistically speaking, the easiest way to do this really is by having those users sign up for your community and then use a hidden private category to allow for review before publishing. The users from your legal department wouldn't need moderator rights of any kind to make this work, so it wouldn't use up any additional seats. You can simply use Custom Roles for this.

When you're ready to publish, you should be able to transfer the content over to an Article and make it visible from there.

That's probably the easiest workaround that comes to mind. 

Thanks for the feedback @Blastoise186!

I was sending my collaborators the preview links so they could see it, but obviously it’s not easy for them to highlight and suggest comment changes.

In the end, I’ve been writing / formatting the article in Insided. Copying everything to a Google doc. Sharing the doc with any stakeholders, and manually making changes in the Insided version whenever I accept or make a change in the Google doc.

Glad to know I’m not the only one in this boat.

No worries.

Admittedly, forum software is not the most ideal tool for this kind of collaboration that exists in your use case. There’s possibly ways that inSided could make it less painful, but it’s ultimately one of those things that technically is the wrong tool for the job. I don’t think inSided will ever be able to match the raw power of Google Workspace in that regard (and yes, I personally think Google has absolutely nailed real-time collaboration there!) but maybe there is a way to make things a little easier.
