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 Hi everyone and especially @Ditte 😊

I’ve listened to the webinar from last week (actually twice already 😍) and was interested in hearing a bit more about your KPI’s. We’re also a mature community and have similar KPI’s (peer-to-peer and marked answers).

I’m especially interested in the “First reply within 12 hours”. I was wondering, is you KPI based on the Average response time that can be found from the Content dashboard?

Have you followed or have you considerd following the percentage of how many topics get their response withing 12 hours? This is something I find rather interesting, but haven’t really figured out how to track this 🤔

Do other community managers have an opinion on this, do you guys track the first reply time?

Thanks in advance for your answers 💥 And btw @Ditte  85% peer-to-peer answer rate is A-M-A-Z-I-N-G!


Wow @Suvi Lehtovaara ! Thank you so much for the praise! It was great fun to do the webinar with @Remco2 and I'm glad to hear it was useful to you :)

To answer your question regarding the First Reply within 12 hours: Yes! We use the content dashboard and the information on Average Response Time as our guideline for the 12h SLA. Also, credit to the awesome crew of Sonos community mods and specialists who makes it all happen. And not to forget mentioning our group of amazing (super)users who really, genuinely does make our community so great. :) 

It would be a great observation to trend the percentage of topics that hit that SLA, but I don't think the InSided Dashboard can do that at this point in time. For that I think you'll need some sort of arcane excel wizardry based off of the Post export. But hey, maybe if enough communities would be interested in the data, InSided might consider adding it in 🙂 (hint hint, @Joris )

Thanks @Ditte !

I already tried to excel the percentage of topics that hit that the SLA, but I didn’t manage it quite yet. If anyone has tips, I’ll be happy to hear 😊
