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Hey there! 

I set up a segment of users who’s last activity was > 90 days ago.

It says that “Last activity updates every time a user performs any activity (eg. view a page...)”. 

I found a discrepancy where I sent out an email to all users and including utm links for tracking. I can see users who have clicked on the links and viewed pages within our community, but are still listed under the segment of last activity > 90 days ago. 

Is this because they need to login in order to have viewing pages accounted for? Why could this be the case?

Do you have any other recommendations for tracking page views?

Hi @Lindsay 

If your community is public then you will be bale to have both registered and non registered users.

You will also then have page views from both registered and non registered users. The analytics in the Control will give you the registered vs non registered breakdown.


Your user segment will ONLY include registered users. As such, if a registered user (who received your email) clicked a link and viewed a page WITHOUT logging in, then they will not reset the activity clock.

Both logging in, page viewing and posting would all be considered activity.


In short, a user needs to be logged in so that the activity can be associated to that user account.

Hopefully that clears up the discrepency.



Thanks for the response @Alistair FIeld! That clears things up.
