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Hi! I’ve read in this API documentation that it is possible to fetch a list of users through a certain field. Is User Segment one of these fields?


My use case is that we want to use our emailing tool (Marketo) to send email campaigns, but would need Digital Hub’s ability to configure the necessary segments. Would be open to another way of going about this if there’s a better alternative!

Hi @mbuuck1 👋,

Unfortunately user segment is not one of these fields. Segments define a group of users, however it is not a user attribute for the User object. From a Users perspective we cannot see which segments they belong to. Only through a Segments perspective are we able to see what users belong to that particular segment. 

I’m wondering if setting up your desired segments and then exporting these users to CSV to then be used in Marketo on a periodic basis would work for your use case? To do this, simply click on a segment to see the list of users and click the ‘Export to CSV’ button in the top right:


Hi Oliver, thanks for your help and for reminding me about that CSV export option. That should work perfectly!
