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Hi insided Community,

in our data privacy info we need to link directly to the Cookie Settings. As they are only implemented as a popup, i wanted to ask, how it is possible to create a direct link to the settings/a direct link to a page, where the Cookie Setting Popup is shown.



Hi @Marcel ,

I’m not entirely sure which section are you referring to. Do you mean this link?


If that’s the one, you can change this on Phrases:



We use 3 different kinds of cookies. You can choose which cookies you want to accept. We need basic cookies to make this site work, therefore these are the minimum you can select. <a href="{link}">Learn more about our cookies.</a>


Please have a look on this article and see if it helps:

Let me know if you still need help with this, feel free to submit a ticket as well at 

Hi Leo,

thank you for your reply. It is not the Learn more link, we need to link to the Cookie Settings, that are only accessible via the whole Popup you did the screenshot of. We’d need a direct link to this, so users can choose their cookie preferences from our data privacy information page.



I see what you mean now @mmue, you’re looking to use your own cookie settings instead of the InSided default ones. You can find more info here:

 Unfortunately, you can’t do this fully on your own although you can create scripts that will achieve this but our support team will have to help you with this. Could you please send a ticket to giving more details about this? 

Actually, I can see you’ve submitted a ticket this morning about this @mmue - I will answer you there!

Our expert created a small script to “Third party scripts” and with that we have link in our community´s footer, link to the cookie settings.

Thank you for your replies.

We were looking for a link, that we could implement into our data privacy page, that would directly open up the cookie settings in a tab. But this doesn’t seem to be possible.

Now we’re looking for providers of custom cookie banners.



I am not expert but I think it should be possible though. Sorry but I cant help more.
