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Currently, permissions for ideation are binary “all or nothing” access to view, create, reply, and vote. (Vote for this idea if you’d like to break these out)

I need to hide Idea as option when creating Topics, as we’ll be changing our idea intake to a form-based intake for standardizing fields. The ideas will still live on our community, the form will create the idea via the API. We just want to standardize the information we receive at the request of our product team. This will allow other community members to still view, reply, and vote for the ideas, in addition to the administration and moderation features we can leverage. 

To do this, I will need to “disable” the Create Idea option by hiding it with CSS. 


Hey @DannyPancratz,

Add this to your CSS and it should hide the create idea button:

.qa-radio-button-topic-type-idea {

You should also be able to create a script with using the inSidedData object where only certain roles can see the button. Not sure if that’s something that would interest you but it should be viable.

Note that if your users know about the ?disableCustomCss or if they have an browser plugin that can hide CSS, they will still be able to create ideas as of course, this is a major workaround 😅

Thanks, @leo-inspired !

Note, if you use this CSS method, there are other considerations: 


Sorry to resurrect an old thread but this is something I’m looking into right now. We are soon going to allow partners into our community but have decided we don’t want them to have the permission to create Ideas. Can anyone confirm how to use the inSided data object referenced earlier to hide the “Idea” radio button ONLY for the partner user type?

Hey @khumphrey - you can make certain CSS attributes dependent on the role of the community member using the inSided dataobject and some third-party script. We have a number of topics here with examples of how to do that, for example this one:

