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I am not familiar with those browsers, but one of our superusers reported that icons of Like / Best answer / Quote are missing? Because of this you might press Best answer accidentally.

Have you seen this? I think community should work with all browsers.

Maybe there isn´t any other users out there..? 😄

But I have to say that there are times when these icons are missing with more popular browsers as well.  Today one of out moderator reported that her´s Chrome doesnt display those icons.

And now I got it myself as well, here in inSpired (Chrome)

Same time in our own community these icons works ok with me (with same Chrome). But moderator have problems.

Morning @revote 

I think in the last week or so there have been some issues with icon/badges etc reported to support. So you are not alone.

@ravi.kurma or @leo-inspired is this a known issue?



Seeing the same annoying issue at our community too and support hasn’t been able to reproduce it. And yes, it seems to happen in all insided communities. There is also this weird variation happening right now (this is rare, most of the time it looks like in the pictures posted above).

I did some investigating. Icons are coming from the same cloudfront address to all of the communities, thus seeing the same problem in all of them. For me the icons were first working on some devices, but after reloading the page without cache (Ctrl+F5) I could reproduce the problem with any device I could get in my hands.

So it isn’t really community, device or browser specific, but maybe user specific somehow? Icon-CDN doesn’t want to talk with some specific groups of users, or IP pools or something? Just my wild guesses. 🤔

Thanks @roopeg. I knew there are more users who have this issue.

We've escalated this issue to our engineering team today; it's a very strange one that none of our support desk agents were able to reproduce. I’m gonna test those browsers you mention @revote and see if I can see those broken icons there.

It is funny however that you are the only customers who reported and you’re both from Finland. I'm not sure if this is related, but I'll keep looking for this bug 🔎 🐞


We'll keep you updated, and we appreciate your contributions @revote and @roopeg

Thanks @leo-inspired.

Mods, could you please edit the title, this occurs with several browsers so please edit title:

“Icons aren´t displayed correctly with all browsers and users”. 

Any updates here?

The icons are still not being displayed correctly, any updates on this?

Just thought I’d stop by here. I can’t reproduce this issue at all using Chrome 114 across two communities using a bunch of different devices. Everything seems to work fine for me.

However, there’s one more trick I can try...

Yep, Chrome 114 is here as well.


Nope, I still can’t reproduce it here either.

Do these users perhaps have unusual setups like a Squid Proxy perhaps? Sometimes those things can cause issues if their cache gets corrupted and it might be worth purging caches from as many places as possible to see if that helps.

If it does, then it’s possibly a case of nothing wrong with the platform and a problem in the individual setup. I’m temporarily behind a Squid Proxy right now and everything still seems to work for me.

All I can say is that this occurs with so many users that it is hard to imagine that this has something to do with the users setup.

I have this problem, some of our moderators, some of our users have and here you can find more users in this topic with same problem.

Of course it possible that this is some kind of user / user setup feilure but as I said, hard to imagine.

As @revote said, this occurs for quite a few users… In our community for admins, moderators and regular members. We are all located in Finland, so that could explain this?

Here’s Chrome 114 on my Samsung Galaxy S22:


And note:
This started with just certain, rare browsers like Duckduckgo and Brave. Later on this started to occur with Chrome as well.

When this started with me this occurred first here in inSpired. Later on this occurred in our own community as well. Then I tested with other communities as well and I noticed that this occurs everywhere.

Today in our own community, icons works ok with my MacOS/Chrome. But here inSpired icons are missing.

For us the icons are not working, nor here on InSpired nor on ours or @revote’s community. This affecting usability of our community a lot as the settings look like this:



Polls look like this:


And quotes etc. like this:



Today in our own community, icons works ok with my MacOS/Chrome. But here inSpired icons are missing.

Our superusers reported that they cant see icons in our community, nor @Suvi Lehtovaara or for example KPN’s community.

Yes, this causes bad UX. I said earlier that because of this you can accidentally press Best Answer but you ment to press Like. And vice versa.

I can confirm now that inSided have fixed this issue! Icons works ok here and in our community and every other community as well.

Thanks a lot 🤓


Yes, icons are working 💃🏽
