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📣 Disclaimer: This article is relevant only for the communities that didn’t migrate to Ideation V2 yet*


As part of our continued commitment to enhancing your experience and delivering top-tier features on our platform, we are excited to share that we will deprecate Ideation V1 in favour of Ideation V2 by November 1st, 2023. This migration represents our dedication to offering you more sophisticated tools, better customisation, and a streamlined workflow. 

Although we are working closely with the few remaining customers who need to migrate, here is a small summary (or a reminder 😀) of transitioning to Ideation V2 means in more details:


1. Deprecation of Category Type 'Ideation':

The category type labeled as 'ideation' will no longer be available. This change is made to create a clearer and more focused structure for our ideation process.

2. Migration from V1 to V2:

The content will need to be migrated to Ideation V2 if your community wants to still see the content from ideation V1. As usual, our support team and CSM are here to help you in this process.

3. Ideation lives in a dedicated module:

Unlike v1, v2 ideas will no longer be visible within community categories. Instead, they will be housed in a dedicated ideation module. This change is designed to create a more centralized space for all idea-driven discussions and considerations.

4. Introducing the '/ideas' Landing Page:

With v2, there's a unique landing page at '/ideas'. This page is fully customizable, allowing you to shape the look and feel according to your preference. For instance, integrating the ideas pipeline was impossible with v1, but with v2, you have this customization at your fingertips.

5. Tagging Ideas with Product Areas:

Ideation V2 provides an enhanced feature allowing you to tag ideas with specific product areas. This is an addition that wasn't available in v1, designed to help better categorize and manage ideas based on their relevance to different product segments.


Not supporting Ideation V1 also means we can look ahead and innovate:


6. Support for Categories within the Ideation Module (Coming Soon):

We've heard your feedback and understand the importance of categories for organising ideas. That's why we're actively working on introducing category support within the ideation module itself. 

7. Enhanced UX/UI in Control Environment, especially on the Topic Moderation Page:

Ideation V2 offers a vastly improved experience, aligning with our ultimate goal of making our platform the best space for innovation and collaboration. This Ideation v1 deprecation allows us to make further improvements on the platform too, such as a better UX/UI and introducing more features. Stay tuned for a detailed article on what you can expect from the New Topic Moderation Page soon 🥳


As always, your feedback is invaluable to us! ⭐️


*If your ideas live in a dedicated Ideas Module, that means you’ve already migrated to Ideation V2 :) 

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