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Are groups soley question/conversation. I just had a group ask for ideation, but don’t see a way to add it. Is ideation not available to groups? 

If not, will it be made available at a future release?


yes indeed, currently groups are limited to Q&A, discussions and articles. I can see why it would be nice to allow ideas in groups as well, so thanks a lot for sharing this feedback with us!

Unfortunately, I expect this cannot be improved very easily due to the technical infrastructure. The ideation content usually sits in a dedicated ideation category, mainly as the UX and features are different here. E.g. you can filter on idea status, vote / see votes in the overview, etc. So it would need some bigger changes across some core features of the platform to make this possible.

Copying in @daniel.boon and @Yoeri so they don’t miss out on this. :)

Thanks for looping me in Julian. Do you have any specific use cases for using ideation groups over a (hidden) category @Kgastaldo ? :)

Totally get it. I guarantee if you had asked me about this in discovery I would have said we didn’t need ideas for groups. But of course I launched a group (for a product we acquired, meaning the rest of the community content isn’t applicable to them, so a group made more sense than a category) and they asked if we could do ideation. 

I could create a category for ideation, if they definitely want it, but then that content won’t appear within the group - where all their other content is. Not a huge deal; just not ideal.

