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Is it possible to make the system email subjects unique to each topic post?

  • 8 March 2021
  • 2 replies

A user pointed out that email systems that group emails by subject and sender were looping all his system emails about new topics into the same (gmail) group. 

Is it possible to use coding to make the subject of a system email unique using {topic_title}?

Howdy @DannyPancratz !

I think this may well be possible pretty easily actually. Without having access to Control myself, I can’t double check for sure though. But what I do know is that whenever @timcavey mentions me in any thread on my home base, the subject line is customised to include the thread title - and this causes Gmail to properly split up these emails into different conversations.

I suspect Tim hasn’t changed any settings related to the subject line we have for the You are mentioned system email. Assuming you’re still on defaults for that one, you could probably grab that subject line from Control, change it to something useful and set that up.

Perhaps as a quick example that you could use (feel free to tweak this!):

Someone has posted a new comment in ctopic_title] ! Come check it out!

Or even

Hiya! Someone just posted a new comment in ctopic_title]! Come check it out on the InSpired Community.

Something along those lines should do the trick nicely. As long as that variable is present and working correctly, Gmail should split these emails up properly, without creating thousands of new conversation threads or bundling them all together.

I hope this works!

Sorry for the double reply! Unfortunately for me, the spam filter is gobbling up pretty much all my posts, so I can’t edit them until after they get released by a moderator.

I’ve managed to find more details and while it looks like this trick works for new replies, you can’t do this for new topics. I should also correct myself slightly, I forgot to use curly brackets i.e. { } in my examples, rather than square brackets i.e. t ] . I might not be able to edit them in time, but I’m happy for a moderator to help me out with a mod edit. There’s more info over on a guide which might be handy too.

This comment might appear before my previous one gets approved. If so, apologies for the time travel!
