Thanks for the question @DannyPancratz - I have the exact same question..
So waiting for the answer too
Hi @DannyPancratz and @Suvi Lehtovaara
The embeddable widget is indeed a great tool to drive traffic back to the community, especially if displayed directly within your product. Our team has not made updates to the embeddable widget in quite some time, as customers have been pretty satisfied with it so far. Our team was originally interested in tracking the “was this helpful Yes/No” button; however, there hasn’t been enough customer interest in the embeddable widget to justify resources to build the embeddable widget dashboard, as opposed to other features that customers were interested in. We are discussing if we should now remove the question.
We are tracking if a customer voted “yes”; however, the data is not content specific.
Your CSM at inSided can provide you with how man times a user has loaded a topic within the embeddable widget during a time period of a day, 7 days, 30 days, 3 months, 6 months, and one year.
The Support team could provide an excel sheet providing data such as the following:
- How many times a users voted yes.
- How many times a user opened the widget.
- How many times a customer opened a topic within the widget