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Is there a way to make a normal line break after a bullet list? I don’t want the following copy to be so close because it looks incredibly weird. But if I add a space, it’s like adding an image into Microsoft Word because something so inexplicable happens to the spacing and it adds several lines worth of break. It doesn’t seem like much of a pain point, but we use bullets a lot. It looks awful, no matter which route we go. It’s like doing a choose your own adventure book where every ending leads to your inevitable doom. No matter how many times I try to flip to my last page or find a route to victory, I’m stuck with a very sad break.

Images attached.

Doing the shift+enter trick doesn’t work. 

I could feel your fingers itching, ready to type this in, feeling the day won. But when I do that, it just shifts it down. It looks weird.

I want to see if there’s a solve that I’m missing before submitting product feedback.

Before I submit anything, I wanted to ask here if anyone had a solution to this before I create more noise for the inSided product team. Thanks for checking this out and please let me know if there’s a better solve than just pretending I don’t absolutely hate the way some of our topics and articles are formatted.


We are very close friends and would never like to part.
You have offended me and my family for the last time.
“Family is the only way to stick together and that means starting at the same place.” -Vin Diesel in the Fast and the Furious, probably.


I’m afraid it’s probably going to be a while before this can be fixed. The current editor is based on CKEditor 4 and it seems that CKEditor 5 also has the same behaviour. It might not be possible for inSided to change that.

I’m afraid it’s probably going to be a while before this can be fixed. The current editor is based on CKEditor 4 and it seems that CKEditor 5 also has the same behaviour. It might not be possible for inSided to change that.

Crumbs. Thanks for the answer, at least!

@joe.huber there’s a complete pain of a workaround you can do here. For example:

  • Download the mobile companion app
    This is some Shift+enter copy under the bullet
  • This is the second bullet of the list
  • And the third
  • And the fourth

And then non-bullet copy with a nice normal line break.

To perform this tongue twister of a work-around, you need to:

  1. ​​​​​​​Start your list as normal
  2. Pop in as many bullets as you need
  3. When you’re ready to finish your list
  4. Put in 3 extra bullets
  7. ​​​​​​​And then begin writing your non-bulleted copy on the final list entry

Next, place your cursor at the start of your non-bulleted copy (line 7 in this case), and click the “list” icon in the toolbar to turn it off. You can then also erase any extra bullets you don’t need, and your copy will be properly socially distanced from its listed neighbours. Like so:

  1. ​​​​​​​Start your list as normal
  2. Pop in as many bullets as you need
  3. When you’re ready to finish your list
  4. Put in 3 extra bullets

​​​​​​​And then begin writing your non-bulleted copy as part of the list


It sucks, but it works!
