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Is there a way to track various moderator actions by timestamp?

  • 15 July 2020
  • 2 replies

I’d like to be able to get data on exactly what date & time a certain moderation action was taken on a post. Is there a way to track this, apart from manually updating the team notes section?

In this case, adding to the notes section updates the timestamp. So to keep track of the date/time of previous notes on the same post, the moderator would need to manually add the most recent timestamp to the most recent note.

We’re planning to hire a moderator and would like to be able to keep track of how quickly they are reading and taking action on posts (i.e., which actions were taken when).


so we have our Moderator action export, which includes many actions that Moderators perform each day, e.g. editing a topic or trashing content. However it does not include records about when exactly content has been read by a Moderator, probably as this would bloat up the export massively but also as the status indicator in the Moderation overview serves the purpose of tracking what has been read and what not.

I have heard before that Community Managers would like to see when new content has been checked, it could help to get an idea about SLA and time spent per topic.

You might be able to track this by asking the Moderator to change the Moderator label of a topic (you could create labels like “topic read” or whatever suits best your internal Moderation processes), but I am not sure if changing a Moderator label is reflected in this report...

Hi @Julian! Thank you! I did not know about the moderator action report – this is great. Yes, I think what you’ve observed is exactly right – being able to see when content has been checked/how much time is spent per topic would be helpful for SLAs. 

I appreciate the additional ideas. I will do some tests to see what actions are captured in the moderation action report (and will do my best to report back here in case it’s helpful for others).

Thanks again for your time!
