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We use the keyword blocker for profanities. 


If a member posts a topic and a word is included in the list, it will get moved to a ‘pending’ folder for moderator review. 


We’re thinking we could add some typical account / personal information words, to help automate posts being hidden till a moderator is in and able to edit the posts. 


Examples: date of birth, dob, DoB, 


Then there’s REGEXs. Can we add regular expressions to this list?

Interesting way to use “smut words”. I keep thinking about have you faced any problems, platform hides posts it should not hide? Does users knows that you have this kind of feature in use?

@revote do you have a ‘smut words’ keyword blocker set up as well? Sometimes it finds smut within a non-smutty word, but these are low volumes and moderators approve them when they happen. 


Anyone know if we can use REGEX in these blockers?


We use the keyword blocker for profanities. 


If a member posts a topic and a word is included in the list, it will get moved to a ‘pending’ folder for moderator review. 


We’re thinking we could add some typical account / personal information words, to help automate posts being hidden till a moderator is in and able to edit the posts. 


Examples: date of birth, dob, DoB, 


Then there’s REGEXs. Can we add regular expressions to this list?

Hi @timcavey !

We use the keyword blocker for the exact same purpose and we wish to be able to expand the usage to PII data like phone numbers etc.

We’ve tried to block for example phone numbers, but because the use of REGEXs is not possible we’ve had no success. I actually posted an idea about this a while back:



Interesting way to use “smut words”. I keep thinking about have you faced any problems, platform hides posts it should not hide? Does users knows that you have this kind of feature in use?

@revote We’ve had good experiences with blocking swear words/ hateful expressions etc. We’ve told about this to users, but only when necessary.

We’ve had good experiences with blocking swear words/ hateful expressions etc. We’ve told about this to users, but only when necessary.

Yeah, we also use this keyword blocking for swear words etc.

What I meant is that have you @timcavey faced any problems, for example platform thinks that “ok, this is phone number / customer id → this is something to block”, and actually it is just sequence of numbers? 😁

I’m surprised REGEXs aren’t available out the box. As you mention @Suvi Lehtovaara , phone numbers, account numbers, date’s of birth are a great use case for this.


If something does get picked up that isn’t necessary to block, it just gets released from the ‘pending’ folder @revote, after mod review. Just to be clear we currently only use it for swear words and incorrect flags happen rarely .

Understand, thanks for the explanation @timcavey. (Have you edited your opening post since 😀)

For blocking swear words Keyword blocker works pretty ok but I am missing the conjugation there. This is problem least in Finnish. Compared to the Khoros I am missing that it should just replace the non_allowed_words with “xxx” or “***”. I dont want that Moderator have to do manual job to publish the comment.

What comes to the REGEX it is something I also want to see here.

Understand, thanks for the explanation @timcavey. (Have you edited your opening post since 😀)



I haven’t, have I made a mistake somewhere?


For blocking swear words Keyword blocker works pretty ok but I am missing the conjugation there. This is problem least in Finnish. Compared to the Khoros I am missing that it should just replace the non_allowed_words with “xxx” or “***”. I dont want that Moderator have to do manual job to publish the comment.

What comes to the REGEX it is something I also want to see here.


Yes very high volume forums may want to automate the process of getting pending posts live. We can handle that manually on our forum currently. 

I haven’t, have I made a mistake somewhere?

No, I have and that´s why I asked have you edited your post. I dont know why but I didnt see at first place that you use Keyword blocker for profanities and profanities only. This is why I asked things like moron. I am really sorry 😊


Yes very high volume forums may want to automate the process of getting pending posts live. We can handle that manually on our forum currently. 

We also, our volumes are so low. But the reason for the automation is that when the moderators are not online all the posts are still published with no delay.

About the REGEX, are there platforms out there who uses Keyword blocker or equivalent for REGEX?
