Another day another topic.
I’ve briefly discussed this with
One thing that we’re facing quite frequently on the SoundCloud Help Community is a duplication of topics - different users asking the same questions by creating new topics rather then replying to an existing topic (which, in itself is certainly something that can be improved in the first place, but that’s a different story I guess).
What gives? The “Move” feature to the rescue.
Here’s the list of steps I currently have to take in order to move one topic in its entirety.
1. Identifying the newly created topic(s) for which I know we have a longer discussion already
2. Opening the case
3. Select one reply
4. Click on “select all”
5. Click on "move to existing topic"
6. Go to the google sheet we’ve created with a list of all topics for which we’re seeing frequent duplicates
7. Copy the URL from there
8. Head back to the topic, paste the URL
9. Click on “Check url”
10. Click on “Move to existing topic”
11-13. Repeat the same process for the original post on the topic, as this one is currently not included when clicking on “Select all”
Repeat with other duplicate topics.
Here are a few things that I think would immediately improve this process.
a) Include the original post when choosing “Select all”
b) Change the URL field to a search / dropdown menu. given our moderators usually know the title of our “merge to’s”, this would speed up the process
c) Given I never type a URL but always copy & paste, have the system check up on the URL automatically, without having to click on “Check url”
Phew, ok. Long story, I know. You still here? Great! You’ve almost made it.
Whenever facing issues like this, I’m like “well maybe I’m using the tool wrong”, or “maybe I shouldn’t have to use this feature in the first place - what can I change so this doesn’t happen so often?”
Please, share your experience with this, curious to hear your thoughts around this matter.
Have a great weekend everyone!