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Why is Positive content helpfulness votes not included as Data when exporting to a CSV under any of the export type? It should ideally have been available with Topics but it isn’t.
How can we have Positive Content Helpfulness votes to a CSV or export?



I’ve just seen some of your questions, so I’m attempting to catch some of them. Hang in there for a bit and I’ll answer the ones I can help with.

As far as I’m aware, Content Helpfulness Votes can be logged to Google Analytics and it should be possible to export them from over there if you’ve got it all set up. I’m not sure that there’s a built-in export option for this feature right now in Control, but I know that Google Analytics has some pretty good options to export data - CSV is one of them if memory serves. You can find the details that Google provides over on Google Support too, this article should be the right one.

You’ll need to make sure GA is set up first though, and it will only be able to capture votes cast after GA is enabled.

I hope this helps. :sunglasses:

Hi @Blastoise186 thank you it was a bit helpful but unfortunately I don’t have Google Analytics fully setup to view this data as I desire. Even that is a separate platform on its own (Google); so why should we shift there when we could have extracted this information directly via an Insided Export similar to other info?
I need this via Insided itself because I am generating Power BI reports on stats via csv export from Insided. Having multiple sources is too complicated and time consuming, where as having this as a column in the export from insided ‘Topics’ would be so great. I hope you could understand the situation.

Thank you very much for helping out on these :slight_smile:

Thanks & Best Regards,

No worries, I don’t have access to Control at all anywhere because I’m only a Super User at my home base and a regular user over here. Apparently, no-one is willing to trust me enough to play with Control it seems… :wink:

I’m not seeing any existing Ideas that sound similar though, so you might want to create an Idea post for this one as well. It’s probably fairly easy to implement, so I get the feeling your chances are pretty good.

Thank you @Blastoise186 for your help.

Created Idea: 

