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Hi everyone,

I am trying to send our members a private message once they reach each rank. Below is one example message. I am running into the issue where the User-Name and Rank isn't taking and the message is send exactly seen below.  


Hi {user-name}, 

Wow! Welcome to the show. You have earned a new {Fan} badge. Keep up the great work! 
For more information around badges,

The StreamSets Community Team

Hi @Dkreiger!

Regarding the private message for ranks with {user-name} and {fan} for the badge name. I will have to reach out to engineering team to figure out why the {user-name} doesn’t work, but {fan} will not work as it’s not intended this way as it needs to pick up the badge-name (see below). 

A workaround might be to send the private message once they earn the badge. Inside the badge you can have the following {user-name} and {badge-name}, which will automatically get the user name and badge name. You can see information here:

I will reach out to the team for the rank private message and get back to you!



Thanks @ravi.kurma! This was very helpful. Hopefully the team will add this feature.

Hi @Dkreiger!

Sorry for the delay, but I have an answer for private messages in ranks. Unlike badges, there are currently no variables (ex: {user-name} and {badge-name}) set for private message inside ranks so this will not work as expected. I would highly recommend posting this on inSpired to see if it gathers votes and gains traction within the community.


