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Sending a private message to an individual user

  • 6 April 2021
  • 3 replies

I see that it’s not possible to invite specific users to join groups once they’ve already joined the community. However, I’d like to send a private message to a user to encourage them to request admission to one of our groups. How do I send a private message to a user (who hasn’t posted or commented anywhere yet) to encourage them to request access to a specific group? (i.e. When I see a user I know and want to encourage them to join a group that would be a good fit for their needs)

Howdy @jenaceto !

If you’re able to grab their profile URL somehow, such as you can use this to access the Send Message option directly. I think you can do it in Control as well, but as long as you can get the URL, you can go from there via Community as well. :)

Thanks so much for your help @Blastoise186 ! I think the easiest way is to do it through Control using the private message bubble on the bottom of the left navigation. Now I’m wondering… can I hyperlink things in private messages? I don’t see an option to do this either via Community or Control. (for example, I’d like to link to a specific group to encourage them to request to join it)

No worries @jenaceto .

You can indeed post links in a PM, but you can’t do any fancy hyperlinking stuff I’m afraid. While Community primarily uses CKEditor 4 as the editor these days as the “New Editor”, PM’s are still using the “Legacy Editor” that’s based on Froala Editor. Since the latter is running on old infrastructure, it’s not capable of supporting some of the more fancy features.

It’s kinda workable though, as long as you’re OK with simply doing copy/paste of the basic link as is.
