Organizing a super user meeting can be as easy (and low cost) as inviting some super users to your office, show them around and have a pizza and a beer together. Or you could put more effort & time into it. I know there are many great stories on super user meetings. Please share your story: what did you do, what did you like the most about it. Footage is of course more then welcome

To kick it off I would like to share a story from T-Mobile (but people from T-Mobile please add more background and other stories:)
T-Mobile invited super users to their headquarters. Nothing really fancy, just having a chat and a drink. As a surprise the entrance of the building was crowded with T-Mobile employees who welcomed the super users and were clapping to show their appreciation. I was told that even the board was present. I don't think these customers will ever even consider going for another Telecom provider:)
I'm really looking forward to get inspired by your stories!