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If an idea changes status (eg. from “In-Progress” to “Delivered”), is there a native way for me to update the users who have upvoted this idea?

If not can this be converted to an idea please?

@Ilan B now that I’m a little more familiar with the process with the InSpired community at least, I can tell you that from what I’ve seen

  • If you are subscribed to the topic then you should be notified (The limitation being that you did not open the last notification, in which case InSided stops notifying you so you don’t get spammed by emails on a popular topic or idea)
  • You are automatically subscribed to a topic or idea you reply to by default (unless you change that in your personal settings)
  • BUT sadly the fact you upvote an idea does not mean you get automatically subscribed

I would suggest you create an idea called something like: “Upvoting an idea subscribes you to updates”.

In the description I would also encourage you to mention that a status change should be prioritised if possible, so that if a user has not viewed the idea since the last update and is no longer receiving notifications for that idea, a status change still gets sent at least for “Delivered”

You’ll get my upvote 100%!

@Marion Frecaut do you think there could be potential for an idea here from @Ilan B ?

Thanks @SmartlyGreg.

Our big use case for this is updating upvoters about updates. As there is also no way to pull who voted for an item, its a real pain point.

@Ilan B sounds like a quick win to me to just have upvoters auto subscribe.

@SmartlyGreg - Thats definitely one solution.
On the other hand, I have personally upvoted *many* ideas in the Insided community, and don’t necessarily want to get an email everytime anyone else complains or comments about that idea. 
I would however like to know when it has been implemented.

@Ilan B true. Not to mention that iff you don’t follow up on the replies you might not get the status change notification…

Maybe creating a second level of subscription, but this sounds complicated. It os strange that there is no way to extract voters. Not using the feature myself yet though so no help here, sorry.
