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Communities thrive when users feel appreciated. A simple way to do this is by liking a post. We see this happening a lot, and we want to increase these acts of appreciation. Therefore we have made it possible to now also show who has actually liked a post.

Once a post is liked, the three users that most recently liked it are directly shown along with their avatars. When you hover over the avatars (or click on mobile) you get to see the complete list of people who liked the post. Clicking names will direct you to their profiles.

Like this post and see what happens. What do you all think?


If you would like to install the Show Likes-feature on your community, create an order by submitting a change request to:

Please be aware that this feature is only available for customers that are on the Responsive Template. Make sure to upgrade first via

Implementation time: 6 hours
Really nice and long awaited feature! Well done!
Can you also pull this information in the post exports? Or a separate likes export?
Hi Keith,

No, this is something we haven't considered yet. What would you like to learn from this: most popular posts, users, or something else?
Say it was a feature request and you want to reach out to people privately or wanted to sent a message to a group, it would be great to see the entire list of people that liked that post.
Great suggestion. It's kinda similar to our Ideation module, but "hidden" to users.

I'll add it to our feature request list. If more customers would like to see this, we will discuss it within our Product team.
