
Why is there such a large discrepancy with my Email Delivery Rate?

  • 7 March 2024
  • 2 replies

I’m no email marketer (maybe that’s my first problem), but I’m hoping to learn why we would have close to 100% email delivery for multiple weekly newsletter emails, but then we switch the sender address and it DROPS 75%.

Any ideas or insights are more than welcome!


Here’s a screenshot of the last few emails I’ve sent.

Notice how the delivery rate dropped significantly. Is this because we changed the sender address from community@onboardingnetwork to 


2 replies

CHATgpt said:

It's common for changes in sender addresses to affect email deliverability, but there could be several factors at play here. Here are some potential reasons for the drop in delivery rate:

1. **Sender Reputation**: When you change the sender address, you essentially start from scratch with the reputation of that address. If the new sender address doesn't have a good reputation or hasn't been warmed up properly, it may result in lower deliverability initially.

2. **Authentication**: Ensure that your new sender address is properly authenticated using SPF, DKIM, and DMARC records. Lack of authentication can lead to emails being marked as spam or rejected by recipient servers.

3. **Content and Formatting**: If there were any changes in the content or formatting of your emails along with the sender address change, it might trigger spam filters or be flagged as suspicious by recipient servers.

4. **Subscriber Engagement**: If your subscribers are not recognizing the new sender address or are not engaging with the emails from the new address, it could impact deliverability. Low engagement rates can signal to email providers that your emails are not wanted, leading to lower delivery rates.

5. **ISP Filtering**: Different ISPs (Internet Service Providers) have different filtering algorithms. It's possible that the new sender address is being treated differently by certain ISPs compared to the old one.

6. **List Hygiene**: Ensure that your email list is clean and up-to-date. If there are a lot of inactive or invalid email addresses in your list, it can negatively impact deliverability.

7. **Feedback Loops**: Monitor feedback loops provided by ISPs to identify any issues with your emails, such as high complaint rates, which can affect deliverability.

8. **IP Reputation**: If you're sending from a different IP address along with the new sender address, the reputation of that IP address could also affect deliverability.

To improve deliverability, you may need to gradually warm up the new sender address, maintain good list hygiene, monitor engagement metrics, and ensure that your emails are properly authenticated and compliant with spam regulations. Additionally, analyzing bounce and complaint rates can provide insights into potential issues with your email campaigns.


Can anyone confirm if this is all true?

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@emaynez Thanks for reporting this. We’ve looked at this internally, but we couldn’t see anything that could cause this drop so we’re escalating this to AWS, who we use as our email service provider. We hypothesize it can have something to do with sender reputation (as ChatGPT already suggested), but with the setup that we have with AWS I believe that shouldn’t be the case.

I’ll circle back here when we know more. Apologies for the inconvenience. 

CC @Alex Campos 
